How to Make a Santa Hat Out of Paper

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Things You'll Need

  • Red construction paper

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

  • White construction paper

  • Glue

When gearing up for the holidays, paper crafts are an easy way to catch a little bit of holiday spirit. Santa hats made from paper can be used as decorations to hang around the house, or they can be turned into Christmas tree ornaments. While the suspected origin of the jolly Santa Claus character varies, his well-known red and white hat can be found in stories from a variety of historical literature.


Step 1

Lay the red construction paper in front of you. Draw a triangle on the paper using the pencil from the bottom to the top of the page. Cut out the triangle with scissors.


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Step 2

Lay the white construction paper in front of you. Draw a round top for the hat about 3 inches wide. Draw a rectangle the same width of the bottom of the red paper and about 3 inches wide. Cut each piece out of the white construction paper with scissors. Along the edges of the figures, cut repeating round edges to resemble cotton.


Step 3

Glue the white construction paper to the red construction paper. The smaller, round piece should be glued at the top point of the hat, and the longer piece should be glued along the bottom edge of the paper. Trim any edges of the hat to make them proportionate.


Cotton balls or glitter can be glued to the white paper on the hat to add extra detail.


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