Things You'll Need
Drawing materials
Foamboard or cardboard
Craft knife
PVA glue
Masking tape
Sisal string or broom bristles
Acrylic paints and brushes

Simple huts made from straw or reeds have been common in many parts of the world throughout history. Whether you're making terrain for a historical or fantasy war game, making a diorama for a school project, or just building models for fun, straw huts are an easy way to add color and interest to a model landscape. They can be put together with a few simple materials.
Step 1
Sketch a plan of your hut. Most grass huts have a roughly rectangular or square shape with a single entrance.
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Step 2
Cut the walls of your hut out of foamboard or cardboard using a craft knife. If you are using cardboard, try cutting two pieces of cardboard for each wall, with the corrugations at right angles to each other. This will reduce warping.
Step 3
Glue the walls of your hut together. You may have to hold them in place with masking tape while the glue dries.
Step 4
Cut two sections of cardboard or foamboard to be the roof of your hut and glue them into place on top of the walls.
Step 5
Prepare a thatching material for the roof and walls. The best materials are sisal string and bristles from brooms. Sisal string is a coarse string which can be unwound to produce thin fibrous strands. If using broom fibers, make sure to use a natural broom and not synthetic bristles, which will be difficult to paint.
Step 6
Spread PVA glue on the roof and wall surfaces and press fibers onto it. Glue fibers to one section at a time, wait for the PVA to dry at least partly, and move on to the next one. Trim fibers to length using scissors.
Step 7
Paint your model using acrylic paints. Make sure the PVA is completely dry before beginning, or painting will knock the thatch off the model.
Use caution when using a craft knife. Make all cuts on a safe surface and cut away from your body.
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