Things You'll Need
Pink fabric
Straight pins
Sewing machine
Pink thread
2 pipe cleaners
Pencil or marker
Safety pin

No pig costume is complete without a curled piggy tail. Whether the costume is for your child or yourself, you can easily make a piggy tail using a piece of fabric and some pipe cleaners. The pipe cleaners will help support the curls in the tail, while the fabric will give the tail a soft, velvety appearance. The piggy tail can be as big or as small as you would like. Include multiple pipe cleaners for a thicker tail.
Step 1
Lay a piece of pink fabric on a flat work surface. Cut a 2-inch-wide by 8-inch-long rectangle from the fabric with scissors. Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise, with the right sides together. Pin along the open edges with straight pins.
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Step 2
Thread a sewing machine with pink thread that matches the fabric. Sew a 1/4-inch seam along the long open edge and one of the shorter edges of the fabric. To protect your machine's needle, remove the pins before sewing over them. Clip any loose threads.
Step 3
Turn the fabric tube right side out through the open shorter edge. Twist two pipe cleaners together. Insert the pipe cleaners into the fabric tube.
Step 4
Fold the open edges of the tube inward by 1/4 inch. Sew the opening closed with your sewing machine. Clip any loose threads.
Step 5
Wrap the tail around a pencil or marker to curl the pipe cleaners inside. Attach the tail to the pig costume with a safety pin.
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