Things You'll Need
8 by 10 paper

Make your paper airplanes even more fun by folding cargo planes that can carry heavy objects. Once you have constructed your cargo plane, you can experiment with various objects to ascertain how much weight your plane can handle. Place the weight in the middle of the plane so as not to disturb the balance. Secure all manner of items to your plane with paper clips. Make parachutes for your cargo so you can drop the items en route to your destination.
Step 1
Place the paper on a flat working surface. The two short sides should be facing toward you and away, with the long sides on your left and right. Fold the top of the paper down so the top corners are exactly aligned with the bottom ones.
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Step 2
Run your finger along the crease. Unfold the paper. You should have a crease in the middle of your paper. Use the ruler to measure 1 inch from the edge along the right- and left-hand (long) sides. Mark the measurement with the pencil.
Step 3
Fold the top-right corner down to the mark you made in the previous step. The corner and top edge should be lying 1 inch from the left-hand side. Run your finger along the crease and unfold. Repeat for the top left-hand corner. The creases should make an "X" shape in the top half of the paper.
Step 4
Draw a line 1/2 inch above the spot where the two creases you made in step 3 intersect. Draw a horizontal line from left to right. Fold the top of the paper down toward you so it forms a crease on the line you drew. Run your finger along the crease.
Step 5
Fold the top left corner along the "X" crease mark you made in step 3. Unfold. Lift up the corner of the flap of paper you made in step 4. Fold the top left-hand corner in under the flap until it is level with the edge of the flap facing you. This should concertina the paper in under the flap. Secure by running your fingers along the creases. Repeat with the top right-hand corner.
Step 6
Lift the top right-hand corner (the wing) you just folded last in step 5 and lay it over the left-hand corner. Fold the right-hand edge in to the middle and crease. Fold the right-hand edge back on itself so it is back on the right-hand side. Fold the right-hand edge to the center again.
Step 7
Fold the right-hand corner (the wing) back over the right-hand edge. Repeat steps 6 and 7 with the left side of the plane. Fold the plane in half by bringing the wings up toward you and then pressing them together in the middle. Unfold.
Step 8
Press the front of the plane in to make and fold the edges down. By pushing and folding in a "V" shape, the nose becomes more rounded like that of a cargo plane. Rotate the plane so the nose faces away from you and the tail toward you.
Step 9
Open the two top corners of the back of the plane. Push the bottom corner closest to you up between the two top corners so it sticks out the top of the plane. Crease the folds. This will make the plane's tail. Measure an inch above the fuselage of the plane, and bend the tail down. Bend the bottom corner of the tail up again.
Step 10
Load your cargo into the open fuselage of the plane. Launch your plane and see it transport your goods across the room.
Make your folds precise so as to properly shape your plane.
Run your fingers over all the folds. This will help the plane to keep its shape.
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