Things You'll Need
Craft foam, 2-inches high, 8-inches long, 4-inches wide
Knife, non-serrated
Acrylic paint, colored
Acrylic glaze, clear

Miniature foam surfboards are often used in advertising displays, as a doll accessory or in beach-themed dioramas. If you are looking for a miniature foam surfboard for your project, you may have difficulty finding one at a toy store. One solution is to make your own miniature foam surfboard using materials that can be purchased from an arts and crafts supply store. This enables you to decorate and customize the surfboard to suit your preferences for your project.
Step 1
Place a rectangle of craft foam vertically onto a table top. Trim the top of the foam rectangle into a rounded triangular form and trim the bottom of the triangle into a rounded end. This will create a surfboard-like form.
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Step 2
Turn the foam form upright on one side and trim widthwise along the side to trim off the bottom edge of the surfboard form into a smooth, rounded edge.
Step 3
Flip the foam form upside-down so the opposite edge is upright and trim widthwise along the side to smooth and round the edge, as before.
Step 4
Wipe off the foam surfboard using a washcloth to remove any cut pieces.
Step 5
Paint the entire surfboard using colorful acrylic paint, then allow the paint to dry for 30 minutes. Select any colors you prefer and cover the foam completely.
Step 6
Paint a thick layer of clear acrylic glaze over the painted miniature surfboard, then allow the glaze to dry for 30 minutes. The glaze will make the surfboard look shiny like a real surfboard.
Keep sharp knives out of the reach of children.
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