Things You'll Need
Mason jar with lid
Mod Podge
Sponge brush
Pictures cut from magazines (or greeting cards or gift wrap)
Scented wax tart
Scrap of lightweight fabric
Candle hot plate

Warm scents from candles in your home can be comforting and welcoming. However, candles with flames aren't always practical. Pets and small children could be hurt or the flame could catch a curtain or nearby piece of paper on fire. Jar tart warmers are a flameless alternative to scented candles that give the same comforting aromas without the danger. You can make your own jar tart warmer to decorate and provide comforting and welcoming smells for your home.
Step 1
Wash the mason jar with warm, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and allow the jar to dry. Coat the outside of the jar with Mod Podge with the foam brush.
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Step 2
Place a decorative magazine picture onto the outside of the jar and press it against the glass slowly to prevent any bubbles from forming under the paper. Repeat this until the entire jar is covered with pictures.
Step 3
Set the jar upside down and allow the Mod Podge to dry completely. Brush the decorated jar with a coat of Mod Podge to seal the pictures in place. Turn the jar upside down again and let it dry completely.
Step 4
Place the wax tart in the jar. Set the scrap of fabric over the top of the jar. Secure the fabric in place by screwing the ring of the Mason jar lid over the fabric. This will seal the jar and allow the scent to escape.
Step 5
Set the jar on the candle hot plate to warm the wax tart. As the tart melts, the scent will fill the room.
Use potpourri or scented oil instead of a wax tart for the same effect.
A scented candle can be placed in the mason jar on the candle hot plate to release the scent into the room without lighting the candle.
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