Tissue paper rose petals are an alternative to real petals, and won't get brown at the edges or go bad. The paper petals can be used to decorate the aisle at a wedding ceremony, add beauty to table centerpieces or serve as confetti for Valentine's Day decorations. The petals can be customized using any colors of paper you prefer, and made the size and shape you desire.
Step 1
Stack roughly 10 to 15 sheets of colored-tissue paper together. Cut a square shape that's 5 inches wide and 7 inches long with scissors.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Fold the stack of tissue paper into fourths.
Step 3
Cut a rose petal shape out of the paper, leaving the fold intact. A rose petal shape should be slightly heart-shaped and curved, with no sharp edges.
Step 4
Unfold the paper and you have a stack of rose petals in fourths. Cut the petals apart with the scissors.
Step 5
Make more petals if desired, and vary the shape of the petals a bit to make them look more realistic. Use a template if desired (see the Resources section).
This process is similar to making paper snowflakes, which may make it easier to visualize. The only difference is that you cut the finished product apart into four pieces to make separate petals.
Video of the Day