Things You'll Need
Cocoa powder
Chocolate cookies

Pretend mud can be fun for kids to play with, and useful for stage plays and other performances where the real thing may not be desirable. You can make a simple mud out of items that you may already have in your kitchen. It is completely non-toxic and is even edible, though it won't taste great. This mud may stain some fabrics, so test some on a sample before smearing it onto a costume.
Step 1
Mix 1 cup of flour with 1 1/4 cups of water in a bowl.
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Step 2
Mix in cocoa powder until the mud reaches the desired darkness.
Step 3
Crush several chocolate cookies and mix them into the mud until it reaches the desired chunkiness.
Store the mud in the refrigerator. If possible, make small, fresh batches as you require it.
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