Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
about 10 yards of tulle
Straight pins
Fabric glue

Dress up a wedding reception, anniversary party or girl's birthday party with a romantic, whimsical table skirt. The standard tablecloth linen come in a variety of colors and styles, allowing party hosts to create a look unique to the party's theme and color scheme. To evoke a feeling of romance, forgo the traditional table skirt for a homemade skirt made of tulle netting fabric. Luckily, these skirts are simple to make and removable, making them an ideal addition to a party space.
Step 1
Determine how much of the table will be covered by the tulle skirt. Some options include just the front, the front and sides or all four sides of the table. For all sides, measure the length of the sides with the measuring tape. Add all of the measurements in inches together. Divide the total number by 2 and add this number to the original total. This extra length allows for the tulle to be gathered. Convert this measurement to yards by dividing by 36 to determine how much tulle is needed. For just the front or the the front and sides, just measure those areas and follow the additional steps to determine how much tulle is needed.
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Step 2
Cover the reception table with a standard tablecloth. Fold the length of tulle in half. Hold the tulle against the front of the table and pin in place at one corner with the folded edge up. Stick two straight pins through the tulle and the tablecloth to form and X shape and anchor the tulle in place.
Step 3
Pinch the tulle together to gather the fabric. Use a straight pin to secure the gathered tulle to the front of the table. Gathers may be as wide or as narrow as you like. Do not fret if some of the tulle extends beyond the edge of the table, it will be trimmed in a later step.
Step 4
Continue to gather and pin the tulle to the front of the table until you reach the opposite corner. Anchor the tulle in place by pinning the corner with the same X shape described in Step 2.
Step 5
Continue gathering and pinning the tulle in place around the remaining sides of the table, if desired. Anchor the corners with pin Xs to secure the corners on all sides of the table. Trim the tulle that extends above the table's edge to a length of about 1/2 inch. Trimming the tulle creates a nice even edge along the table.
Step 6
Cut a length of ribbon equal to the perimeter of the table. If the skirt is only placed in the front of the table, only cut a length of ribbon equal to the length of the front side. Place the ribbon face down on a flat work surface. Squeeze a thin layer of fabric glue on to the back of the ribbon. Hold the ribbon up to the table's edge. Press the ribbon in place to hide the straight pins securing the tulle in place.
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