Things You'll Need
Plastic flowers
Floral tape
Safety pin
Pacifier with loop

A baby shower is meant to pamper the mom-to-be with gifts for the baby and to celebrate the upcoming addition to her family. Giving the mom-to-be a corsage helps her feel special and places the focus on her as the guest of honor. While you can order a special corsage from a florist, you can also create your own corsage instead. Using a pacifier as part of the corsage sets it apart as a baby shower corsage and provides an additional gift for the mom-to-be.
Step 1
Cut the stems of the flowers to about 3 to 4 inches.
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Step 2
Group the flowers so their stems are all together.
Step 3
Wrap the stems of the flowers together with floral tape. Before completing the wrap, place the immobile side of a safety pin against the wrapped stems along the back of the corsage and secure it in place with additional floral tape.
Step 4
Slide the wrapped stems through the loop of the pacifier. Use some of the floral tape to hold the pacifier in place, wrapping it around the stems and the back of the pacifier loop. The pacifier should hang down just below the flowers.
Step 5
Cut a length of ribbon -- about 4 to 5 inches -- and tie the ribbon around the wrapped stems, placing a bow between the flowers and the top of the pacifier.
Choose flower, ribbon and pacifier colors that either match the sex of the baby or the theme of the shower. Cut the ribbon ends at angles to ensure the ribbon doesn't unravel.
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