Things You'll Need
1/2 cup baby lotion
1/2 teaspoon dish detergent
Mixing bowl
Dixie cups or cupcake holder tray
Powdered tempura paints

Face painting can be a fun activity for holidays and celebrations, but not for children who are allergic to cornstarch, which is often used to make face paint. Fortunately, there is an alternative way to make homemade face paint without having to use cornstarch. All you need is baby lotion, dish detergent and some tempura paints and you've got yourself a safe-to-use face paint that will stay on for hours, but wash off easily. Remind the little ones not to touch the paint so it will last longer.
Step 1
Mix 1/2 cup baby lotion and 1/2 teaspoon dish detergent in a medium-size mixing bowl.
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Step 2
Spoon the mixture into cups or cupcake holders.
Step 3
Add 1/2 teaspoon of different colored tempura paint to each cup. Be sure to use primary colors: red, blue and yellow. For orange paint, mix yellow and red tempura, and for green paint, mix blue and yellow. Don't forget to leave one cup plain so you have white paint available to use as you wish.
Step 4
Mix the paint well. Add more tempura for darker, richer colors.
Step 5
Use a paintbrush to create designs with the face paint.
Step 6
Rinse with water to remove.
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