Things You'll Need
Large pinecones
Tacky glue
Cotton balls or pom poms
Acrylic paint
Small and medium-sized feathers
Googly eyes
Acorn caps

Owls, being simultaneously wise and spooky, are common totems of academia and the autumn season. Pinecone and feather owl crafts are simple enough for kids to make as cute Halloween decorations. Collect large pinecones from the forest or purchase them in a craft store to create owls in the classroom or as a Scout group. Offer kids an assortment of craft materials to give them some creative leeway as they design their own customized owls.
Step 1
Glue a pom pom or several large cotton balls to the pointed end of a clean pinecone to make the owl's head.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Stretch out additional cotton balls and glue them into the empty space of the pinecone to make down. Let the brown pinecone pieces stick out like small feathers. Alternatively, paint the pinecone to resemble an owl's body.
Step 3
Glue two small feathers to the back of the owl's head to stick out like plumage.
Step 4
Glue two larger feathers to the owl's back in a flying pose, or glue the feathers to the owl's side for a perching pose.
Step 5
Glue acorn caps, felt cut-outs or googly eyes to the owl's head to make eyes.
Step 6
Cut a triangle out of felt and glue it under the eyes to make the owl's beak. The owl is complete.
Video of the Day