Things You'll Need
9 tongue and groove boards, 3/4-by-4-by-96 inches
Glue in glue bottle
Tape measure
Table saw
Miter saw
Pin nailer
Pin nails, 1 1/4-inch

For rustic applications, recreation rooms, barns, shops or even boutiques, build a tongue and groove door by bracing it diagonally. This style of door is attractive and imparts a country feel to the surroundings reminiscent of farms and ranches. With the right bracing, a door made from tongue and groove wood is solid and will hold up over the years. Build the door as a blank and then cut it down on a table saw to make it fit the opening. Start by building a door for a 36-inch opening with typical 4-by-96-inch tongue and groove wood.
Step 1
Lay nine pieces of tongue and groove wood face down parallel to each other on a flat surface. Match the tongue on one board with the groove on the other board.
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Step 2
Run a bead of glue inside the all the grooves using the tip of a glue bottle. Don't overdo it, just a light bead is fine. Flush the ends of all the boards together. Place your feet on the board nearest you. Use a mallet to tap the adjoining board into the board you are bracing with your feet, fitting the tongue into the groove. Repeat tapping all the boards together. Let the glue dry for one hour.
Step 3
Measure the door opening with a tape measure. Set a table saw to the width of the opening. Pick up the panel and cut the tongue and groove panel parallel to the grain 1/2- inch smaller than the width of the opening. Turn the door 90 degrees and cut it 1/2 inch smaller than the height of the opening.
Step 4
Lay the panel on a flat surface. Lay another piece of tongue and groove wood diagonally on top of the panel from corner to corner. Lay a straightedge along the top of the panel. Let it go over the top of the diagonal board.
Step 5
Trace the angle from the top of the door onto the diagonal piece. Mark the terminating point on the bottom of the diagonal piece. Use a miter saw to cut the the angle on the top and bottom of the diagonal piece. The angle will be the same on both pieces.
Step 6
Brush glue on the back of the diagonal piece. Lay it in place, aligning the top and bottom angles with the top and bottom of the panel.
Step 7
Shoot four 1 1/4-inch pin nails down through the diagonal piece into each board with a pin nailer. Let the glue dry for one hour before handling.
Depending on the style of hinge you choose, you can nail blocks onto the sides of the door to support the hinge. Typically, a barn door type hinge looks good on this style of door, and no extra bracing will be needed. For extra bracing, you can also run a board horizontally along the top and bottom, but it will add weight.
Wear safety glasses. A good quality sealer should be used on the door to prevent it from expanding and contracting. Be sure to seal all sides, top and bottom.
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