Loved for their cozy winter style, Ugg boots require special care to prevent dark spots and water stains. Even if your Ugg boots have been pretreated with a suede protector prior to wear, pesky discoloration and staining is usually inevitable. Prompt treatment may help remove and restore the natural nap of your boots and help them look their best winter after winter.
Things You'll Need
Suede cleaner or leather-approved detergent
Socks or newspaper
Suede brush or lint-free cloth
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Step 1
Moisten the outer shaft and foot of the boots with a sponge that has been dipped in cold water. Gently spot treat the dark spots and stains where needed in a circular motion.
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Step 2
Dilute a leather-safe cleanser with equal parts cool water and detergent. Mix thoroughly.
Step 3
Immerse the sponge in the solution and wring.
Step 4
Tap the sponge lightly onto stains as needed. Rub gently in a circular motion to break up and remove the spots and discoloration.
Step 5
Rinse the sponge in cold water and wring out.
Step 6
Moisten and rinse your Uggs lightly with the sponge.
Step 7
Fill the shaft of your Ugg boots with balled up socks or newspaper to help reshape the shaft as they dry.
Step 8
Dry the boots in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight and intense heat. Sunlight and heat will fade leather and may result in shrinkage.
Step 9
Brush suede in an upright motion with a suede brush or lint-free cloth to help restore the nap and remove any remaining debris.
Prevent stains and discoloration by treating boots with a suede protectant prior to initial wear. Clean promptly after stains occur for best results.
Do not soak Ugg boots in water or attempt to machine wash.