Things You'll Need
Leather cleaner
Leather conditioner

Frontline is a specific brand of product that is used for long-term control of fleas and ticks for dogs and cats. The company recommends that it should be applied directly on the skin of the animal's upper back once a month to control fleas and ticks. While the application of this product is straight forward, it may become messy if the product is applied on top of the hair of the area between the shoulder blades or if the animal moves at the wrong moment and you apply the tube of Frontline onto your couch instead.
Step 1
Put on gloves. Frontline absorbs quickly through the skin and you do not want to physically touch the substance with your bare fingers.
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Step 2
Apply a small amount of vinegar to a clean, dry sponge. Dab the sponge against the spilled Frontline until you have removed it from your leather. Wipe the area dry with a clean, dry sponge.
Step 3
Use a clean sponge to apply leather cleaner to the Frontline spot location on the couch. Apply leather conditioner to the area after using leather cleaner.
Frontline is waterproof, so washing it off with plain soap and water will not work.
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