Things You'll Need
Wooden shims
Power drill
Galvanized finishing nails
New hinges

Andersen storm doors are constructed of lightweight aluminum. Over time your Andersen door may begin to sag or shift within its frame, resulting in an altered swing pattern and a loose fit. A door which has bent in one direction or another may fail to close fully, and can be visibly off kilter. The process of repairing a bend in your Andersen storm door, or its frame requires only some basic tools and minimal DIY skill.
Step 1
Tighten the metal frame around your Andersen storm door if the door closes roughly or not at all. This frame can bend with the force or repeated opening and closing, and can come loose from the wall around your doorway. A loose frame results in a door which does not sit straight, and which has a bent appearance. Place a wooden shim into the space between the hinge side of the door and the door jamb. Use your hammer to drive the shim into position so the door stands perfectly straight in its frame. Use your level to check that the door is plumb.
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Step 2
Use your power drill to make pilot holes every 6 inches or so around the entire exterior perimeter of the doorway molding. The molding runs just to the outside of the door frame itself, and is a trim element which helps to hold the frame in position. Loose molding can create play around the door frame which then translates to an off center door. Shoring up both your door molding and your door frame is the best way to eliminate movement and the bent appearance. Use your hammer to drive finishing nails into the holes so the door molding is reset and perfectly straight. Remove the wooden shim and test the door. Open and close it, then lift it slightly.
Step 3
Replace the wooden shim in the same position. Use your level to check for plumb, then use your power drill to make pilot holes into the metal door frame at the top hinge side of the door. The frame directly supports your door, and is located to the inside of the doorway molding. Use your screw gun to install one screw every 6 inches or so until the door regains its perfectly upright stance and all hints of bending are gone. If the door still does not look or feel right, the issue may be with your hinge rail or hinges.
Step 4
Inspect the hinges and the rail on which they sit within the doorway opening. If any of the hinges is broken or damaged, the door may sag and appear bent. Have a helper hold the door, and use your screwdriver to remove the top set of hinges first, then the middle, followed by the bottom. Replace any broken hinges or hinge rail with identical parts and rehang the door. Replacement parts for your Andersen storm door are available through Andersen customer service, or any authorized Andersen dealer.
If your storm door has swung open too far, the closer may have been bent or broken in the process. To replace a damaged closer, open the door and remove the hydraulic piston from the two sets of anchor clips which keep it attached at both ends. Use your screwdriver to remove all of the closer mounting brackets, and install a new closer. If the screws from the old closer have stripped or bent the frame, install larger ones to ensure a tight hold.
Keep your fingers out of the way when performing maintenance or repairs on screen doors. Closing doors can trap digits and cause serious injury. Keep children away while the repairs are ongoing.
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