How Do I Melt Yogurt Chips?

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Things You'll Need

  • Double boiler

  • Wooden spoon

  • Rubber spatula

  • Vegetable shortening

  • Spoon

Yogurt chips offer an alternative to royal icing, frosting and chocolate toppings for frosting cookies and cakes. Although you can melt the chips in a double boiler just as you would melt chocolate chips and candy wafers, the sugar and powdered yogurt content make the chips stiff; it's difficult to achieve a smooth texture without additional ingredients. After melting the yogurt chips, you can pour them over desserts as you would pour a glaze or add it to a decorating bag and pipe it.


Double Boiler

Step 1

Bring water to a boil in the bottom pan of a double boiler. Add the second pan inside the double boiler and allow the steam to heat the inside.

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Step 2

Add the yogurt chips to the preheated double boiler and stir gently to mix the yogurt as it melts. A wooden spoon or rubber spatula works well for mixing the melting yogurt chips.


Step 3

Add a small pinch of vegetable shortening to thin out the melting yogurt chips if they are too stiff. If the yogurt chips might stop melting and clump up, add more vegetable shortening a pinch at a time until the mixture is thin enough to stir well.

Microwave Oven

Step 1

Place the yogurt chips in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on the low power setting or defrost setting for 1 minute.


Step 2

Stir the yogurt chips. Stir in a small dab of shortening if the melting mixture is too stiff to stir.

Step 3

Microwave for another 30 seconds and in additional 30-second increments until the yogurt chips are completely melted and smooth. Stir in shortening a little at a time as needed to achieve the desired consistency.


The finished consistency -- and amount of shortening needed -- depends on how you plan to use melted yogurt. If you want to use it as a glaze or to flood cookies as you would with royal icing, the yogurt mixture should be on the thinner side. A thicker consistency is needed if you wish to pipe the yogurt onto a dessert; this will help the yogurt hold its shape.

Double boilers allow you to closely monitor the chips as they melt, while it's a bit more difficult to monitor inside a microwave oven.

In addition to human desserts, melted yogurt chips are commonly used to decorate homemade dog treats.


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