If you've been walking around town, wondering why people are constantly looking into their phones and raising their eyebrows or sticking out their tongues repeatedly, then you've come to the right place. Snapchat has taken over the selfie by adding pretty hilarious and just downright fun filters to the process. With how wildly popular they are on and off the platform, these Snapchat looks are sure to be a hot trend this Halloween. Even your grandma is getting in on the fun!

Video of the Day
Dog Filter Makeup Tutorial
Forgo your typical cat costume this year and opt for a lovable dog. Basic only in the sense that it's easy to do, this filter is a Snapchat classic.
Flawless Floral Crown Makeup Tutorial
Whether you made it to Coachella or not, this look has been dominating our summer feeds for months. And can you blame us? It's everything we want: perfectly faultless skin and a crown so big you can't miss it.
Rainbow Face Makeup Tutorial
Big bulging eyes and sparkling rainbow just pouring out of your mouth. This look is as much fun to play with as it sounds. We can't all be unicorns, honey! Or can we...
Pop Art Makeup Tutorial
Angst much? Don't risk the wrinkles to express this fabulous comic book look. Draw it on!
Face Swap Filter Tutorial
Ok, so maybe you can't exactly face swap with easy makeup skills, but this easy trick is the best way to play with your favorite filter at any costume party. You can get as many friends to join in as you want!
Seriously, if you haven't tried it, get on it. Although there may not be enough storage in your phone for one more social networking app, this one alone is worth it for the fun you'll have staring at yourself making ridiculous faces. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?