10 Treats You Should be Baking in November

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rainbow cake, apple pie, pumpkin pie.
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Assemble your spatulas and mixing bowls, and corral your flour and sugar jars — it's November, which means it's time to bake. Fall fruit, pumpkin spice and chocolate are all fair game, whether it's for Thanksgiving or just a midweek pick-me-up. This year, skip the frequent trips to your local bakery (don't worry, we're guilty, too) and try your hand at making homemade treats instead. From apple hand pies to a boozy bourbon hot chocolate, there's a recipe for everyone. Read on for the desserts you'll want to make all month long.

Image Credit: eHow
Pecan pie.
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If You’re a Holiday Dessert Purist...

...Have a slice of pecan pie. We totally get it — the classics are that for a reason. When else can you dig into a slice of this fall favorite but right now? (But hey, we won't judge you if you casually put this recipe in your year-round dessert repertoire.)

Pumpkin cheesecake.
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If You’re Strategizing the Thanksgiving Dessert Table...

...Make sure pumpkin cheesecake has a spot. A good dessert table has a lot of variety, so if you've been tasked to bring a dish to Thanksgiving dinner, or it's at your own house, you'll need to make a cheesecake with a holiday spin. The pumpkin spice enthusiasts eating dinner with you will be thrilled.

Rainbow cake.
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If You’re Wishing for Sunnier Days...

...Whip up a rainbow cake. Preheat the oven, get out your brightest food dye and add some color to dreary days. Our mouths are watering just thinking about a slice of this sunny cake. P.S. Smearing on the multicolored frosting is way easier than you think.

Pumpkin pie magic cake.
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If You Can Never Decide If Your Fave Dessert is Pie or Cake...

...Get the best of both desserts with pumpkin pie magic cake. This confection has a cake base, a creamy custard-like filling and a sponge layer on top. Plus, it's finished with cream cheese frosting. Make it for a weeknight dessert, and pair it with a cup of decaf coffee.

Rhubarb crisp.
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If Your Ideal Home is a Farmhouse Surrounded by Fall Foliage...

...Channel those vibes with a rhubarb crisp. The next time you stroll through the farmer's market, pick up some rhubarb for a delicious golden-topped desert. Don't worry, we won't judge you if you swap out your breakfast yogurt-and-fruit combo for a slice.

Sugar cookies.
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If You’re Wondering What to Bring to Your Office’s Thanksgiving Potluck...

...Go for sugar cookies. This year, you won't panic about what to bring to work the day before the long holiday weekend. On the eve of the potluck, add some dainty frosting paintings to sugar cookies and then pack them in a festive tupperware. There probably won't be any leftovers, so make sure to leave a few at home.

Spiced apple oatmeal cookies.
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If You’re Looking for a Cookie to Spice Up Packed Lunches...

...Bake a batch of spiced apple oatmeal cookies. This spin on the traditional oatmeal cookie is so refreshing, and will make every office or school lunch for the month so much better. To really get the full experience, pack a small carton of milk or apple cider, too.

Gingerbread freakshake.
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If You Don’t Mind Eating Ice Cream When It’s Cold Outside...

…Try this gingerbread freakshake. There's no need to trek out to the local ice cream shop, because this milkshake has it all: gingersnap cookies, overflowing chocolate hazelnut sauce, homemade whipped cream and as many toppings as you want. Crank up the heater, throw on a sweater and dig in.


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