Donut Hole Christmas Tree

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Presentation is everything. Take ordinary donut holes: Pinned to a styrofoam cone, they become an edible Christmas tree your family and guests will adore. Simply delicious.

Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Things You'll Need

  • Styrofoam cone, 10-inch

  • Plastic wrap

  • Twine

  • Wood toothpicks

  • Cherry Sours or cranberries

  • Powdered sugar donut holes, 5 to 6 dozen

  • Green jelly beans

Wrap the Styrofoam cone with plastic wrap. Place on a small cake plate.


Video of the Day

Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Arrange twine in a spiral around the cone and tape in place at the top. (This will be a placement guide for the cherry candies (we used Cherry Sours from Jelly Belly).

Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Cut about 150 wood toothpicks in half.


Video of the Day

Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Insert the pointed ends of the toothpicks into the cherry candies. Starting at the bottom, place the candies along the twine, spaced fairly close together. Remove the twine when all the cherry candies are in place.


Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Starting at the bottom, insert the blunt end of toothpick into the cone, angled up toward the top of the cone.



Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Stick a donut hole on the toothpick. Continue adding toothpicks and donut holes, fitting them between the lines of red candies. Off set the rows so the center of the next donut hole is above the joint between two donut holes on the row below. Continue until you reach the top of the cone.


Image Credit: Debbie Williams

Randomly add green jelly bean "lights" in openings between donut holes.


Image Credit: Debbie Williams

That's all there is to it. You made a donut hole tree!


Image Credit: Debbie Williams
Image Credit: Debbie Williams
