According to the queens and kings of clean, vinegar is the secret ingredient in many homemade cleaners. Yes, this unassuming pantry staple is a powerhouse when it comes to combating dirt and grime. If you want to say goodbye to filth and add sparkle to your space, try these do-it-yourself cleaning solutions featuring vinegar. They're easy, inexpensive, and best of all, toxin-free.
1. DIY Window Cleaner With Vinegar
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This DIY solution creates streak-free results when cleaning your windows.
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2. DIY Wood Floor Cleaner With Vinegar
With this recipe, you'll be able to clean wood floors without damaging or warping them.
3. DIY Laundry Pods With Vinegar
These laundry pods are safe for all washing machines and will save you money, too. A clean sweep!
4. Clean Dishwasher Interiors With Vinegar
Unfortunately, gunk and stale smells tend to build up in dishwashers. Clean and deodorize the interior using vinegar.
5. DIY Multi-Purpose Cleaner With Vinegar
Just five natural ingredients is all it takes for this homemade powerhouse to tackle the toughest stains.
6. Clean Oven Racks With Vinegar
This is a very easy way to clean oven racks using vinegar and baking soda.
7. Clean Bakeware With Vinegar
Here's how to remove stains and restore the shine of your favorite bakeware.
8. Clean Showerheads With Vinegar
This DIY make cleaning your showerhead so easy. 30 minutes is all it takes.
9. Wash Clothes With Vinegar
Want to brighten colors, kill odors, and eliminate tough stains in your laundry? Try these 10 essential ways to wash your clothes using vinegar.
10. DIY Natural Disinfectant With Vinegar
Disinfect surfaces like counters or cutting boards with this natural disinfectant cleaner.
11. DIY Tile Floor Cleaner With Vinegar
Leave tile floors feeling fresh and clean in this easy DIY featuring vinegar and baking soda.
12. Clean a Top-Loading Washing Machine With Vinegar
It's a good idea to clean your washing machine every few months. Here's how for top-loading machines.
13. DIY Bug Spray for Plants With Vinegar
Create a chemical-free way to say buzz off to bugs. Your beloved plants are going to be OK.
14. Clean an Iron With Vinegar
Calcification buildup is no joke. Be sure to clean your iron once a month and you'll prolong its life.
15. DIY Mold Fighter With Vinegar
By mixing vinegar with tea tree oil, old and mildew don't stand a chance in your shower. Spray this every 2 to 3 days.
16. DIY Liquid Fabric Softener
Save money and make your own liquid fabric softener. It's so simple!
17. Clean Kitchen Cabinet Doors With Vinegar
When you need to get aggressive with cleaning grease buildup on kitchen cabinets, you'll want to include vinegar.
18. DIY Baby Toy Sanitizer
Out of the mouths of babes and straight to the floor. Or your dog's mouth. Or another baby's mouth. Face it, your baby's toys are teeming with germs. Time to disinfect!