Deodorant stains are embarrassing on dark clothes. For a fresh mark, you may have success using a baby wipe to rub off the white deodorant. But for buildup or a stubborn stain, you'll have to get tougher. Before you start, make sure the clothing is washable. For dry-clean-only garments, point out the stain when you drop the item off. The cleaner should be able to get the stain out.
Things You'll Need
White vinegar
Baking soda
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Step 1
Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda over the deodorant stainand rub it into the fabric a little bit.
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Step 2
Pour vinegar over the baking soda to make a bubbly chemical reaction. Add a bit more baking soda, and then another couple tablespoons of vinegar.
Step 3
Brush off the excess "crust" after the chemical reaction finishes. Wash the clothing as normal, but check the stained area before drying the garment. If the stain is still there, pour on undiluted vinegar and rub in gently. Launder again and check to make sure the stain is gone before drying the garment.
Switch to a clear deodorant to minimize the unsightly marks on your clothes.