Perhaps you've lost some weight and your favorite skirt is now too big. Or maybe you found the perfect skirt and the only one left was a size too large. Paying for the needed alterations to save these skirts can get expensive, but with just a little sewing experience, you can alter the skirt yourself and save lots of cash.

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Things You'll Need
Seam ripper
Dress form (optional)
Sewing machine with a universal 90/14 needle
Sharp scissors
Iron and ironing board
Hand-sewing needle
This alteration works best for a skirt with the zipper in the back.

Step 1
If you're not changing the hemline of the skirt, use a seam ripper to remove 4 inches of hem stitching on each side of the side seams. If you're shortening or lengthening the skirt, remove the entire hem with the seam ripper.
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Step 2
Put your skirt on inside out and have a friend pin down both side seams of the skirt so it fits you perfectly. Make sure both sides are pinned evenly.

You can use a dress form for this step if you happen to have one, but it isn't necessary.
Step 3
Measure the distance from the pins (which will become your new seam line) to the original side seam stitching. Remember this measurement to use later.

Step 4
Remove the pins from the side seams. Use a seam ripper to remove 4 inches of waistband stitching on either side of the side seams.

Step 5
Use the seam ripper to open the side seams of the waistband and the waistband facing.

Step 6
With the right sides together, use the measurement from the pin line to pin the new seam line on the waistband. For example, if your friend pinned 3/4 inch in from each original seam line, then you will pin 3/4 inch in from the original seam line.

Step 7
Continue to pin this measurement in from the original seam line down the entire skirt.

Step 8
Sew along the pin line, removing the pins as you sew.

Step 9
Trim the seams to create a 1/2 inch seam allowance.

Step 10
Use an iron to press open the seam allowances.

Step 11
Topstitch close to the new seams on the waistband, on the facing and down each side of the skirt.

Step 12
Re-pin and sew the opened waistband and facing seams. Remove the pins as you sew.

Step 13
Fold the waistband facing back under the waistband and topstitch close to the top edge.

Step 14
Use a hand sewing needle and a blind hem stitch to resew the hem. If you are shortening or lengthening the skirt, press and pin the new hem line to your desired length, then stitch.

Now you have the perfect fit.