How to Learn Lap Quilting

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Things You'll Need

  • Quilt pattern books

  • Fabric for blocks

  • Sewing machine, pins and matching thread

  • Iron and ironing board

  • Sewing scissors

  • Washable fabric pen

  • Quilt batting and backing

  • Pins and contrasting thread

  • Square or round embroidery hoop

  • Pins

  • Sewing machine and thread

How to Learn Lap Quilting. When you think of quilting, you may think of groups of women working around a quilting frame. Although this was originally how quilting was done, it is now possible to treat quilting as a portable hobby. You can take your lap quilting with you to your child's ball game, to the doctor's office or even on a plane. Once you learn to lap quilt, you can take it anywhere. Read on to learn how to lap quilt.


Sew Your Blocks

Step 1

Choose your pattern. You can use lap quilting for either pieced or appliquéd quilt blocks. Find a pattern you like, choose fabric you love and carefully cut the needed pieces.

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Step 2

Sew your blocks either by hand or with your sewing machine. When you finish your blocks, take the time to press them on the back, directing the seams in the same direction they have been sewn.

Step 3

Press the top of the blocks to eliminate any creases you may have and trim any "dog ears" from the corners of your blocks.

Step 4

Add borders to your blocks. The only rule to remember when adding these borders is that they must be the same width on all four sides.


Quilt Each Block

Step 1

Select a pattern to use for quilting. Use your fabric pen to transfer your chosen pattern to the right side of each block. Stencils for quilting ideas are available in quilt books and online.


Step 2

Cut squares of batting and backing the same size as your quilt blocks. Pin the three layers together, with the right side of the block on top, the batting in the middle and the backing fabric right side down. Baste the layers together with an "X" through the center and around the edges.


Step 3

Place your basted block in the embroidery hoop -- the hoop should be about the same size as your block -- and begin hand quilting. Quilt any right angles first and then do diagonals.

Put Your Quilt Together

Step 1

Join the tops. Lay the first two blocks side by side on a flat surface, backing side up. Roll the backing and the batting on the sides that are to be joined and pin them to the backing, revealing the wrong side of the tops of both blocks.


Step 2

Place the two blocks right sides together, carefully align their corners and center sections with pins. Baste the seam and then machine sew a 1/4 inch seam allowance, backstitching at each end. Continue attaching blocks until you have completed a horizontal row.


Step 3

Lay your row of blocks, backing side up on your work surface. Unpin the batting and the backing. Trim the batting, if necessary, so the two pieces meet neatly in the middle.


Step 4

Smooth one side of the backing so it lies flat on top of the front seam and the batting. Fold the other side under 1/4 of an inch and pin it in the center and the ends of the block. Slip stitch this seam closed with a matching color of thread -- be careful not to sew through to the front of the quilt.


Step 5

Continue until you have joined your quilt blocks into rows. Place rows top sides together and fold back the backing from one row. Baste the other five layers together and machine sew them together with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Fold the loose piece of backing under 1/4 of an inch and slip stitch onto the sewn piece of backing.

Step 6

Finish your quilt by sewing a neat binding around all four edges. This will hide any raw edges and help the quilt last longer.


For help with pieced blocks, see eHow's "How to Make a Patchwork Quilt." For help with appliquéd blocks, see eHow's "How to Do Hand Appliqué." For successful lap quilting, you must leave at least 1/2- to 1-inch around the entire block unquilted. For help with hand quilting, see eHow's, "How to Hand Quilt a Bedcover." For help with your slip stitch, see eHow's, "How to Sew a Biscuit or Puff Quilt." See eHow's, "How to Bind a Quilt" for help attaching the binding.


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