How to Weave a Hammock

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Things You'll Need

  • Two pounds of seine twine between No. 40 and No. 46

  • Netting shuttle

  • One 3/4 inch by 1-1/2 inch by 12 inch gauge stick

How to Weave a Hammock. Hammocks originated in the Mayan civilization and have been enjoyed into modern times. There is nothing quite like the experience of resting under the shade of a tree, swinging gently in a hammock on a hot summer day. Hammocks, unfortunately, are very expensive, but with some patience and very inexpensive materials you can weave and enjoy your own relaxing hammock.


Beginning the Weave

Step 1

Cut a three foot length of twine and use a square-knot to tie the ends, making the starter loop. Hang the loop from a nail, post or knob and wrap the twine around the netting shuttle. Secure the loose end of the shuttle twine to the starter loop with an overhand knot.

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Step 2

Place the gauge stick behind the shuttle cord, holding it firmly while drawing the shuttle up behind the gauge and pulling it through the starter loop. Bring it down again in front of the stick and pull the twine tight, holding it in place against the gauge with your thumb. Lift the shuttle in front of the stick again and make a half-hitch around both pieces of twine of the starter loop. Pull the twine tight in front of the gauge, to complete the first cast-on stitch.


Step 3

Repeat the cast-on stitch until you have 20 loops around the gauge stick, making sure that your half-hitches are placed in the same direction each time.

Weaving the Hammock

Step 1

Turn the gauge over so that the shuttle twine is hanging on the left side and carefully pull out the gauge. Hold the gauge under the loops and place the shuttle in front of the gauge. Wind the shuttle behind and through the very first cast-on stitch, bringing it down to the front of the gauge again.


Step 2

Hold the twine firmly with your thumb and form a half hitch around the two pieces of twine of the first cast-on stitch, pulling down to tighten the twine around the gauge. Keeping the work even, continue the half hitches throughout the row of 20 cast-on stitches.

Step 3

Flip the forming hammock over each time your reach the end of the row and repeat until you have 54 rows. When you run out of twine, cut a new length and attach the new twine to the free end of the previous twine using a weaver's knot.


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