How to Conserve Coal

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Things You'll Need

  • Power strips

  • Energy-efficient appliances

  • Compact fluorescent light bulbs

  • Insulation

How to Conserve Coal. Coal consumption isn't just a matter for industrial companies and train conductors. Coal is one of the natural resources used most commonly to create electricity for homes and businesses. Of the one billion tons of coal burned in America each year, nearly 90 percent is used to create electricity. To conserve coal, you need to take steps to conserve energy.


Step 1

Conserve power in your home by replacing old light bulbs with new forms of energy-efficient bulbs. Traditional incandescent bulbs waste an unnecessary amount of energy when compared to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Additionally, CFLs last much longer.

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Step 2

Invest in energy-efficient home appliances. Replace old washing machines, refrigerators or laundry machines with newer models displaying the Energy Star logo. The government created this system of designation to help consumers identify products designed to be more energy efficient.


Step 3

Reduce your consumption of coal power by conserving energy spent on air conditioners and heaters. Set your home's thermostat to 68 degrees F during the winter and 78 degrees F during the summer.

Step 4

Insulate your home to make it as energy efficient as possible. Considerable amounts of heating and air conditioning can be lost through poorly insulated walls, drafts or leaks within air ducts.


Step 5

Conserve power with your refrigerator. Set the internal thermostat between 38 and 42 degrees F. Make sure you're not losing any cool air by inspecting the magnetic seals around the refrigerator door.

Step 6

Unplug electronic devices when they're not in use. Some electronic devices default to a standby mode that absorbs a modest amount of energy, even when the item isn't in use. To make this process easier, consider turning home electronics off with the use of power strips.


Step 7

Fill a laundry machine or dishwasher completely before running a cycle. By washing a load of laundry or dishes when the machine is only half full, you'll waste both power and water.


Newer methods for producing energy through coal are being developed. Techniques that utilize molten-carbonate or solid-oxide fuel cells have been proven to conserve coal, though their applications are still limited by practical and economic factors. Help to reduce our nation's dependence on coal power by supporting alternative sources of energy. Hydroelectric, solar and wind power sources are clean, safe, inexpensive and reusable. Taking steps to conserve energy can save a substantial amount of money on your power bill. Additionally, you may qualify for special tax breaks at the end of the year.


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