If you're thinking about a special someone who is your female crush as the holidays approach, you might be panicking. After all, there's no actual set of social rules on what to give to a friend on whom you have a crush. This can be confusing due to all of the other expectations that surround Christmas. The holidays can seem like a great time to make a grand gesture, but many people find the holidays stressful and may not be as appreciative as you expect, especially if they feel pressured. The best way to buy a gift for your crush is to think of something small but meaningful she will enjoy and gift it to her with no further expectations.
When to Give a Gift to a Female Crush
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If you can't decide what to get your crush for Christmas, don't worry. Your first step is to determine whether giving her a holiday gift is appropriate. You might think that gifts are always welcome, but gift-giving can quickly become awkward, sometimes with negative repercussions for your career if this is a professional situation.
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Likewise, if you don't know her very well, an unexpected gift to your crush may be more of a turn-off than anything else. Most of all, make sure you're giving a gift as a friend to a friend. Attaching expectations to your gift is not only rude but also likely to ruin your chance of a future romantic relationship.
If this is a crush you haven't yet made aware of your feelings, keep in mind that she may not be expecting anything from you and may not have a gift to give back. If you've thought it over and still want to give something appropriate, that's great. Now, it's time to find something she'll enjoy.
Make It Personal
If you're looking to build a relationship with this friend to the point where you can go on a date, a personal touch makes a great gift that will stand out. It doesn't have to be perfect nor does it have to be something expensive. Look for something that will remind her of time you've spent together.
You can base it on some kind of private joke the two of you have or an interest you share as long as you focus on bonding with her rather than impressing her. Alternatively, share a bit of yourself. Gifting her a favorite book or movie that you've mentioned in the past will help her get to know you.
Creative Consumables Are Great
Food and other consumables may not be the most exciting gift ever, but it's a pretty standard gift category, and with a bit of creativity, you can make sure your gift stands out. If your crush has a favorite snack or treat, you can try to make it or swing by a special shop to pick up something tasty. This could be the perfect gift for your crush.
This is the one time a gift card can work as a personalized gift if it's for a local place she may have mentioned wanting to try. If she enjoys wine, a bottle of a favorite wine is also a good bet — either hers or a favorite of yours you think she might like.
Can You Gift Her a Date?
You may have thought about putting together a date for your crush. From movie tickets to a dinner out or an activity you both like, there's a lot you could try. This can work if you and your crush are aware of each other's feelings, and you know the relationship is moving in that direction. The holidays can be a magical time to take that next step.
However, if you two aren't that close or if you haven't revealed your feelings, she's likely to feel pressured into saying yes, which is a horrible way to start a relationship. If you want to offer an activity, leave it open. If she invites you, there's a good chance she's interested in getting to know you better. When it comes to what gift to give to your crush, the gift of your friendship may be the best place to start.