Things You'll Need
Lobster tails
Stock pot with lid
Bay seasoning
Minced garlic
Lemon juice
Lime juice
White wine
Parsley flakes
Basil flakes
Lemon slices
Lime slices

Lobster is a favorite of many individuals. Unfortunately, ordering this wonderful food in restaurants is often expensive. Additionally, only a select few restaurants carry this highly coveted seafood dish. A more economical alternative to enjoy this delicious delicacy is to cook it yourself, at home. The most popular way of cooking lobster is to boil it.
Step 1
You can choose to thaw the lobster part way, if you want. The best way to do this is to move it to the refrigerator the night before you intend to prepare it.
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Step 2
Fill a large stock pot with hot water. It should be about two-thirds full.
Step 3
Bring the water to a rolling boil.
Step 4
Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of salt and any seasonings that you like to the boiling water. You can also add a bit (about 1 or 2 tbsp.) of bay seasoning and minced garlic (about one-quarter cup) as well as some lemon and/or lime juice (one cup total) and a bit of white wine (one cup). Adding these extra seasonings to the water helps to steam in additional flavors into the lobster.
Step 5
Place the lobster into the boiling water.
Step 6
Bring the water back to a rolling boil before closing the pan to let the lobster simmer. Continue to let the water boil without allowing it to boil over.
Step 7
Continue boiling the lobsters until they are bright red; about 10 to 15 minutes for an average 2 lb. lobster.
Step 8
While the lobsters are boiling, make a butter sauce. Use 1/4 cup melted butter for each lobster to be served. Add garlic salt, lemon, lime and/or orange juice and wine to taste. Add a few parsley and basil flakes for garnish and flavor.
Step 9
Once the lobsters are done, remove them from the water with tongs and plate them.
Step 10
Serve the lobster while still piping hot, along with a small bowl of butter sauce and some lemon and/or lime slices.
Extra cooking time may be required if the the lobster is still totally frozen. Be creative in flavoring your lobster's cooking water as the flavors will add extra punch to the delicious meat. Be sure to keep the water boiling the entire time that the lobster is cooking or you will need to increase the amount of cooking time.
Never kill lobsters and then try to boil them since lobsters should be boiled live unless already treated and prefrozen. Do not overcook the lobster or it will be tough and difficult to eat. Do not undercook the lobster or it can cause serious food poisoning.
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