Things You'll Need
Microsoft PowerPoint
Family photos
Family reunion T-shirts

The best thing about elders at a family reunion is they can share stories about family members that have passed and family members you never knew, and connect family members who don't usually communicate. Here are a few tips on how to honor the most respected and elderly family member at your family reunion.
Step 1
Create a PowerPoint presentation with the eldest living family member present. Include pictures of family members that have descended from her side of the family as well as those of her sisters and brothers.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Serve the eldest family member his food first by the youngest family member. Not only will this inform the youngest family member (who can safely get the plate to the eldest family member) how to show respect to his elders, but the eldest family member will appreciate it.
Step 3
Add a picture of the eldest living member on the front of the family reunion T-shirts. This will show that the family honors her or him as well.
Step 4
Select a family member from each side of the family and tell a memorable experience about him at the front of the family reunion location.
Step 5
Present a personalized gift to the eldest living family member. For example, if the eldest living family member collects pillows, order a pillow for the eldest living family member with a family photo. (Note: Retail stores that have photo departments sell personalized pillows.)
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