How to Create a Miss Hannigan Costume

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Things You'll Need

  • '30s style dress

  • Shoes

  • Full slip with lace trim

  • Stockings

  • Whistle

  • Chain

  • Pearls

  • Makeup

  • Cigarette holder

  • Bottle of gin

Accessorize with a feather boa for an over-the-top Miss Hannigan look.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images

Miss Hannigan, the main antagonist in the musical "Annie," is a washed-up, drunken orphanage mistress who tries to foil Annie's future with Daddy Warbucks. Her costume plays a large part in portraying her lack of class as well as the hard times she has fallen on during the Depression. Put together a Miss Hannigan costume with some easily obtainable props and accessories.


Step 1

Select a dress in a 1930s style. Look for silky fabrics in large prints such as a floral with lace trim, and make a dress from a retro pattern. Alternatively, check vintage and thrift stores for retro styles. Wear Mary Jane-style heels.

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Step 2

Wear a full slip with lace trim that is slightly longer than your dress. Miss Hannigan's clothes were always askew, so adjust accordingly. Let the strap of the slip fall down on your arm. Wear baggy or rolled-down stockings.


Step 3

String a whistle on a chain and hang around your neck along with a long strand of shabby pearls.

Step 4

Apply heavy eye makeup, rouge and dark lipstick. Curl or finger-wave your hair. Tease it and make it slightly messy.

Step 5

Carry a long cigarette holder. Wedge a small bottle of gin in your cleavage.


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