Things You'll Need
Tape Measure
Saw or vinyl cutting tool
Two ladders
Friend or helper

The fascia on a home is the board that is nailed across the edge of the roof behind the gutters. If you notice that your fascia has sustained damage then you will need to replace the fascia. Fascia installation can be challenging to the beginner as they are unsure of how to place the fascia correctly. Follow the preparation and installation instructions below and you will surely have it done within a reasonable amount of time. Get your family members involved in order to speed up the process.
Step 1
Install undersill trim along the top edge of the wood fascia board. Install straight to prevent wavy look.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Measure the distance between the top of the undersill trim and the lock of ‘F’ trim below by subtracting 1/8th inch to determine how much fascia panel needs to be removed.
Step 3
Cut the vinyl fascia panel to this exact height.
Step 4
Insert the cut edge of siding panel into the undersill trim and draw a line where they meet.
Step 5
Make raised lugs just above this line and at 6” intervals using the snap lock punch.
Step 6
Lock the bottom of the panel into the ‘F’ trim below it and push the top edge into the undersill trim.
Step 7
Snap the trim into place.
Step 8
Lock the panel firmly in place without face nailing.
Video of the Day