How to Make McDonalds Big Mac Sauce

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Start to finish: 15 minutes
Servings: Sauce for 4 to 6 burgers
Difficulty level: Beginner

McDonald's lists the Big Mac ingredients on its website -- pickles, mustard, garlic, onion, paprika, eggs and sugar -- but that tells you little about measurements and mixing. Kitchen sleuths have examined and taste-tested the special sauce and developed recipes that include variations of the official ingredients. Make your Big Mac sauce using ingredients adapted from Marinate Me Baby recipe.


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Make the Big Mac sauce when you need it to ensure that the sauce is fresh and safe to consume.


  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon French dressing
  • 1 tablespoon yellow mustard
  • 4 teaspoons sweet pickle relish
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon onion powder
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt


Combine the mayonnaise, French dressing, yellow mustard, pickle relish and vinegar in a bowl and stir or whisk until well-mixed.

Add the dry ingredients to a separate bowl and whisk until they are combined.


Pour the combined dry ingredients in the mixing bowl with the mayonnaise mixture and stir until they are thoroughly mixed.

Refrigerate the sauce in a covered container before using. Allowing the sauce to chill for a few hours or overnight provides time for the ingredients to "marry," according to Brian Child on the Marinate Me Baby website.


Other Uses

After trying out your Big Mac sauce on homemade hamburgers or using the sauce to dress up fast food bargain burgers, you might want to find other uses for the special sauce. Use the Big Mac sauce as a dipping sauce for raw vegetables, like carrots, yellow squash and cucumbers. Try it as a salad dressing or add it to a pasta salad instead of plain mayonnaise.



Refrigerate Big Mac sauce, including leftovers, in a covered container until you are ready to use it.


  • Use 2 tablespoons of yellow mustard or 2 tablespoons of French dressing. Some "copycats" prefer to use one or the other. Although your choice will affect the flavor of the sauce, you need one or the other to replicate the yellowish-orange Big Mac color.
  • Substitute white wine vinegar for the white vinegar, if you prefer.
  • Use minced onions and minced fresh garlic in place of the powders.
  • Add 1/8 teaspoon, or just a pinch, of paprika, which will contrast with the sugar and vinegar and also will affect the color of the sauce.

