How to Build a Parade Float

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Things You'll Need

  • 2- by 2-inch wood

  • Wire

  • Staple gun

  • Staples

  • Nails

  • Hinges

  • Adjustable ruler

  • Scissors

  • Carpet knife

  • Double face tape

How to Build a Parade Float. Building a float is easier than it once was. You no longer need to make every decoration from scratch. Many companies offer floral sheeting, grass mats, fringe and festooning for purchase. These products not only simplify the task of building a parade float, they will also give your float a professional look. Here are some important steps to follow to build an award-winning parade float.



Step 1

Find out the specifics about entering before you begin building the parade float. Know how much the entry fee will be, note the entry deadline, check out rules about transporting the float and read the parade rules, regulations and safety requirements.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Build or borrow a flat trailer before you begin your design so you know the size of the float. A trailer that is 8 feet long or smaller is best for maneuvering the parade route.

Step 3

Use the parade committee's theme to help you determine the message of your float.


Step 4

Submit a number of designs, discuss the designs with your team and agree on the one you will use. Decide on props to compliment the theme and your message.

Step 5

Seek the approval of your float design with the parade committee if this is a requirement.


Step 6

Gather your float construction team and assign specific tasks. Make certain everybody understands the individual assignments.

Flatbed Trailer or Hay Wagon Float

Step 1

Construct a frame for the float's skirt using the 2- by 2-inch wood, and allow a 16-inch clearance from the ground up to the bottom of the skirt frame on the trailer sides and rear.


Step 2

Make a slanted skirt frame to cover the front of the trailer and leave room for the the trailer to turn on the hitch. Attach the wood skirt to the trailer bed with hinges to fold up during the transporting process.

Step 3

Choose floral sheeting and cut it to the correct size (see Resources). Staple it to the bottom of the skirt and the deck of the trailer.


Step 4

Measure the trailer's perimeter to calculate the amount of fringe and festooning to use. Staple the decorative fringe to the bottom of the skirt, and use the petal festooning to cover the line where the floral sheeting and the fringe meet.

Step 5

Finish building the parade float by securing the props to the top of the trailer with nails, staples, tape, glue, wire or other materials.


Video of the Day
