Things You'll Need
Green suit or sweat pants/sweatshirt
2 yards matching green fabric
Fabric paint in white, black and red
Elastic band

Kids seem to love dinosaurs, whether its because they're mysteriously extinct or for their monstrous size. Becoming a dinosaur is a wish of many little boys as well. If you love to sew, surprise them this Halloween by making them a Pterodactyl costume.
Step 1
Buy a green body suit. If you cannot find a solid green one piece and do not want to make one, purchase a green sweatshirt and sweatpants.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Cut the green fabric in half so you have two equal pieces of 1 yard each.
Step 3
Using one of the yards of fabric, make a diagonal cut from the top left to the bottom right. These will be the two wings.
Step 4

Attach each wing to the sweatshirt with a few simple stitches using a sewing machine. You will need to attach it to the sleeve and the side of the sweater on each side.
Step 5
Fold the other yard of fabric in half and pin together.
Step 6

Trace the shape of the pterodactyl head as pictured onto the folded fabric.
Step 7
Use scissors to cut the shape out of both pieces of fabric.
Step 8
Stitch both pieces of fabric together along the edges using a sewing machine, leaving an opening along the bottom.
Step 9
Turn the head inside out and stuff with batting.
Step 10
Sew the opening closed using hand-stitching.
Step 11

Attach an elastic band to the bottom of the pterodactyl that will wrap around the child's chin.
Step 12

Paint the eyes, mouth, and teeth on the pterodactyl using the fabric paint.
Add finishing stitches along the edges of the wings to keep them from fraying.
Video of the Day