Assembling a portfolio is one of the most important things you can do to make yourself look like an experienced professional within your field. It is important to only fill your portfolio with a perfect resume and only the best examples of your work. To ensure that your work is easy to reference within your portfolio, it is helpful to have a table of contents to organize your work. Follow this guide to find out how to make the perfect table of contents for your portfolio.
Step 1
Center your name, address, and phone number on the top of the page. Below your contact information, write "Portfolio Table of Contents."
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Step 2
Below, write "Cover letter" and the page number. The cover letter should be the first page in your portfolio.
Step 3
Below that, write "Resume" and the page number it is in in your portfolio.
Step 4
Organize the rest of your table of contents just as you have organized your portfolio. Divide your work samples into categories so there is a cohesive flow to your portfolio.
Step 5
List each sample and the page number in order.
Step 6
Below your work samples, list any media clips like DVDs or CDs that you have included in your portfolio.
Step 7
List any references and the page number.
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