How to Get a Proclamation From the Mayor's Office of New York City

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You can dedicate a week in New York City to your special event, cause or industry. A proclamation is a mayoral letter to commemorate special events. The mayor's proclamation will highlight your cause and issues, and potentially get media coverage for your organization and event. You may be able to have the week proclaimed as a special week by filing a proclamation request with the mayor's office. Make a difference in your community and publicize your event with a proclamation from the Mayor's Office of New York City.


Step 1

Go to the New York City Mayor's Office website for the contact information for the mayor's office (see Resources below).

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Step 2

Click on the "Contact Us" link to get the phone numbers, emails or contact form. Confirm the requirements to submit a proclamation request with the Proclamations Office.


Step 3

Write a 1 to 2 page letter to the Mayor's Office to explain your request for a proclamation. For example, if you represent a staffing association, you may respectfully request the mayor to proclaim a certain week "National Staffing Employee Week," to honor the staffing professionals in the New York City area.


Step 4

Add background information to the letter that you would like to appear on the official proclamation document regarding the proclaimed week.

Step 5

Fax or mail the proclamation letter request to the Mayor's Office. Try to get a contact name so you can follow up within a few weeks.


It could take weeks or months to get a proclamation, so start early. You must pick up the proclamation in person in downtown New York City.

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