Things You'll Need
Green synthetic, stretch fabric
Measuring tape
Sewing machine
Green tulle
Green paint
Glitter (green, gold)
Quick-drying glue
White yarn
Gauzy fabric
Hot glue gun
Glitter glue
Hair elastic
Bobby pins
Wooden dowel
Thin cardboard
Tinkerbell is spunky, impulsive and charming, with just a bit of a lovable temper. From a beloved children's literature character to an iconic pixie with her own series of movies, Tinkerbell has a wide range of adventures and characteristics to inspire your costume choices. By recreating her classic green dress and blonde bun, you can play with the overall look to match your own personality and dazzle your friends in your DIY Tinkerbell costume for adults at your next costume party.

Step 1: Take Your Measurements
Measure snugly around your hips to create a tube top dress; cut out a rectangle from stretchy fabric that is the width of your measurement. Cut it so that the direction of the fabric stretches horizontally. Measure from your armpit to where you want the skirt to hit on your leg; add 2 inches and trim the rectangle to the length of that measurement.
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Step 2: Sew and Trim
Sew the long sides of the rectangle together to create a tube, with the right sides together. Fold over the top of the tube by 1 inch and sew it in place. The dress will probably be too loose at the top, so take it in along the seam until it fits. Trim the bottom of the dress in a wide zigzag pattern.
Step 3: Measure and Cut
Measure around your waist to create an additional tulle skirt; cut a piece of elastic the length of your measurement. Overlap the ends by at least 1 inch and sew them together.
Step 4: Give the Skirt Some Fullness
Cut out 4- to 6-inch-wide strips that are twice as long as you want your finished skirt from several shades of green tulle. Fold them in half and loop the folded ends around the elastic waistband. Repeat until the elastic is covered by tulle loops, and the skirt is your desired fullness.
Step 1: DIY Tinkerbell Costume for Adults Basic Shoes
Paint a pair of shoes bright green using acrylic paint or spray paint. Stuff plastic bags into the shoes before painting to keep the insides clean.
Step 2: Add the Glitz

Mix green glitter with a fast-drying glue and apply the mixture over the shoes. Let them dry overnight.
Step 3: Make the Pompoms
Create two pompoms by wrapping white or silver yarn around three fingers 100 times. Slip the loops off your fingers; tie them off in the middle; then cut open the loops on both ends, and fluff out the pompom. Hot glue the pompoms to the tops of the shoes.
Step 1: Shape the Wing Wire
Bend a thin wire into the shape of two wings. Make them long and pointed on the top and short and rounded on the bottom. Attach the wings together in the center using additional wire or elastic.
Step 2: Cover the Wire With Fabric
Stretch sheer, gauzy fabric over the wire wings. Hot glue the ends of the fabric around the wire to hold the fabric in place.
Step 3: Create the Harness
Create a harness by creating two elastic loops large enough to fit over your arms and shoulders and tying them to the wings where they join.
Step 4: Add Some Glitter Glue
For an extra touch of sparkle, trace a swirling design over the wings with glitter glue. Let the glue dry for several hours before wearing the wings for your DIY Tinkerbell Costume for Adults.
Finishing Touches
Step 1: Recreate Tinkerbell's Iconic Hairdo
Pull your hair up into a soft, round bun on the top of your head. Fluff out your bangs, and then use pins and hairspray to pull back any flyaway hairs.
Step 2: Add Some Makeup
Apply a light amount of makeup, such as shimmery blush, pink lip gloss, and delicate eyeliner. Use natural colors for your eye shadow.
Create the Wand

Make a wand by cutting out two stars from a thin piece of cardboard and gluing them back-to-back at the top of a wooden dowel. Cover the stars with glue; then hold the stars over scrap paper and pour glitter over them. Shake off any excess glitter onto the paper and let the glue dry completely to finish your DIY Tinkerbell costume for adults.
Instead of sewing a tube top dress, you can use a green swimming suit, leotard, tank top or fitted T-shirt for the top of your outfit.
For a spicier, more adult look to your costume, use more contrasting makeup, like red lipstick and dark mascara. Shorten the skirt and show a little cleavage to complete the effect.
Consider carrying a bag of gold glitter “pixie dust” with you; just remember that glitter can be hard to get off of anything and everything!
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