How to Bake a Delicious and Easy Meatloaf

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Things You'll Need

  • 1 1/2 pounds hamburger

  • 1 egg

  • Crackers or breadcrumbs

  • Salsa

  • Non-stick spray

  • Baking dish

Don't make the same old boring meatloaf. Instead, spice it up with salsa. Salsa gives the meatloaf a little pizzazz, and it saves you time because you won't have to chop up onions and peppers. Serve this meatloaf with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables to complete the meal.

Step 1

Preheat your oven to 425 F. Spray your baking dish lightly with non-stick baking spray.


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Step 2

Put about 1 ½ pounds of hamburger in a large bowl. Add one egg and 1 cup of salsa.

Step 3

Crumble a pack of multi-grain saltine crackers or add 1 cup of bread crumbs. Don't add too many crackers or your meatloaf will be dry.

Step 4

Mix the ingredients with your hands until completely combined.

Step 5

Form the mixture into a loaf in your baking dish.

Step 6

Place into oven for about one hour. Check to make sure the center is done.


If your meatloaf is thinner and longer, check it after 30 minutes.

If your meatloaf is smaller but fatter, reduce the heat to 375 F and cook for 1 1/2 hours.

You can use ground turkey to reduce the fat.

You can add sausage to your hamburger for a little different flavor.

If the sides are cooking faster than the inside, reduce the temperature and add more time to the cooking.

Remember, everyones ovens cook at different rates and times and temperatures may vary.


Make sure the center of your meatloaf is cooked all the way.


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