How to Make a Ship Out of Popsicle Sticks

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Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper

  • Popsicle sticks, 3/8 by 4½ inches

  • Glue

  • Handsaw or utility knife

  • Empty 16-oz. can

When it comes to Popsicle stick crafts, projects can be as simple or as complex as you make them. Once considered only a kid's craft project, the task of building with Popsicle sticks has become a well-accepted hobby for adults across the globe. To make a ship, only a few minimal supplies are needed; the rest is up to your imagination. The amount of time the project takes is up to you, but be sure to allow major pieces to dry completely before moving or adjusting them for the next step.


Step 1

Lay out newspaper to cover your work surface. Start creating the base of your ship by laying about 20 sticks side by side in a row. Run a perpendicular line of glue approximately an inch from the edges of your sticks and set a stick on top of the glue and press down. This creates support.

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Step 2

Place a discreet mark on the last stick and then add an additional 4½ inches to the end. Mark the center of the last stick added and draw a straight line from the center point to the outer edge of the discreetly marked stick on each side.

Step 3

Trim off the two corners to create the front of the ship using a small handsaw or utility knife. Repeat the process to create the deck of the ship. Allow to dry.


Step 4

Construct the sides of the ship by laying down the bottom of the ship with support sticks facing up and setting an empty can in the center. Balance the deck of the ship with support sticks facing down on top of the can. At each corner or angle of the ship, glue support sticks vertically to the top and bottom of the ship. Allow to dry thoroughly before removing the can.


Step 5

Additional support sticks can be added about every two inches. Once the ship is dry and stable, tip the ship over onto one side. Run lines of glue along the supports and begin to build the sides of the ship by staggering the sticks horizontally. Let dry and trim off the edges of the sticks that extend beyond the back of the ship and over the front angle.


Step 6

Create the front angle and back of the ship by lining the sticks horizontally on top of one another. After these areas are dry, rotate the ship to the other side and complete that side and then its corresponding front angle.

Step 7

With the base of the ship completed, add any additional details you desire such as a railing, captain's quarters, sails, cutout windows or a crow's nest.


Add any other decorative features using string and muslin fabric to create masts or flags. The ship can also be left plain, stained or painted to suit your needs.


Try not to let any glue seep between the sticks and get on the paper. If it does, then you may have to pull pieces of paper off the ship after the glue is dry.


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