How to Get a Musty Smell Out of a Leather Jacket

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You can get a musty smell out of a leather jacket.
Image Credit: Sofiia Potanina/iStock/GettyImages

A good-looking, well-fitting leather jacket is an investment piece that can last a lifetime, but keeping leather goods in good condition does take some care. If a leather jacket smells musty, perhaps from long-term storage or exposure to less-than-fresh environments, it really ruins the enjoyment of wearing it. An off-putting smell might also cause you to miss out on a secondhand leather jacket score.


You can't simply wash a leather jacket as you would another garment, but there are several safe ways to get rid of a musty smell from a leather jacket. You can put together DIY leather odor removers from basic household products, and with the right approach and a bit of time, you can bring that stinky jacket back to wearable condition.

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Use Baking Soda as a Leather Odor Remover

Baking soda is a tried-and-true deodorizer that will not damage leather, so it makes an excellent leather odor remover. It's also inexpensive, so for best results, use it liberally on a leather jacket that smells musty. For a very smelly jacket, you might need to repeat the process several times with new baking soda.


Place the jacket in a box, sprinkle dry baking soda all over it inside and out and rub the baking soda into the leather with a soft, dry cloth for even distribution. Make sure you get the baking soda inside the arms and any pockets and pop the collar so the baking soda can get underneath it. Try to coat all the surfaces of the leather jacket with a layer of baking soda and leave it undisturbed for at least 24 hours. After this time, take the box outside, shake the baking soda off the jacket and wipe away the rest with the soft cloth.


Use Newspapers as a Leather Odor Remover

Scrunched-up newspapers are great for stuffing inside stinky shoes and boots to get out odors, and they can work in a similar way to fix a leather jacket that smells musty. If you want to avoid potential inky smudges, buy a packet of plain newsprint from an art supply store.


Scrunch up the paper and wad it inside the jacket's sleeves and pockets and inside the body before securing the zipper or other closure. Place the paper-stuffed jacket inside a box lined with more scrunched paper plus additional scrunched paper all around the jacket. Leave the jacket undisturbed for at least 24 hours and as long as several days. Consider combining the baking soda and newspaper methods for doubly effective leather odor removal.


Clean the Jacket Inside and Out

A thorough cleaning of the leather and lining of a jacket goes a long way in removing musty odors. You can either take the jacket to a dry cleaner, buy special leather cleaning products or use DIY cleaning products. If you're using commercial leather cleaning products, such as spray and cream cleaners, conditioners and wipes, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Alternatively, prepare a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, lightly spritz (never soak) the leather and immediately wipe it with a soft cloth. With any cleaning products, test them on an inconspicuous part of the leather first.



To clean the fabric lining of a leather jacket, mix a tiny amount of dish soap, laundry detergent or all-purpose cleaner with warm water. Soak a sponge or cloth in the soapy water, wring it out and wipe down the lining with the jacket turned inside out. Try not to get the leather wet. Rinse the cloth in plain water and wipe down the lining again to remove traces of soap. Hang the jacket inside out to air dry in a well-ventilated spot.


Try Fresh Air and Sunshine

Hanging a leather jacket that smells musty out in the fresh air and sunshine is a very simple yet effective way to deodorize it, but it will take some time. Find a spot where the jacket will be surrounded by fresh air and ideally sunshine, such as a backyard or balcony. Remember to keep an eye on the weather and make sure the jacket doesn't get exposed to rain. Alternatively, hang the jacket by an open window or close to a fan to simulate fresh air, dry up any moisture in the jacket and blow away that musty smell.


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