How to Cook Butt Steak

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Things You'll Need

  • Beef butt steak

  • Marinade

  • Tenderizing hammer

  • Broiling pan

  • Pork butt steak

  • Salt and pepper

  • Oil

  • A large onion

  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped

  • 1 bottle of barbecue sauce

  • Large skillet with a lid

Cook Butt Steak

There are two types of butt steak that you can cook up for dinner. A beef butt steak is also known a boneless top sirloin steak. It is a tender piece of meat if cooked properly. The other type of butt steak is a pork butt steak and is best cooked for a long period of time, so you want to plan ahead with this type. Both are thoroughly delicious and neither takes too much work. They are cheaper cuts of meat so a little extra care has to go into making them tender.


Step 1

Place the steak on a cutting board and beat it with a tenderizing hammer. Do not crush the meat, just break down the muscle a bit.

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Step 2

Mix or pour marinade into a container large enough to hold the steaks. Place them in the marinade and turn them to get it on both sides. Place the steaks in the refrigerator for an hour or so, turning them every half hour.

Step 3

Place the steak on a broiler pan and put under the broiler in your oven. The thickness of the steak will determine where to place the steak. A 3/4-inch steak should be two to three inches from the heat and a thicker steak should be three to four inches away.

Step 4

Broil a 3/4-inch-thick steak for 10 minutes, turning it halfway through. Thicker steaks will need up to 40 minutes depending on the size. Use a meat thermometer and take the steak out when it reaches 160 degrees.


Step 5

Sprinkle some salt and pepper on your steak. Heat a skillet with two tablespoons of oil over medium heat. Brown the steak for about five minutes on each side and remove it.

Step 6

Add another tablespoon of oil to the skillet and cook a large sliced onion until it is just about transparent. Add three cloves of chopped garlic. Stir around the garlic for about two minutes. Do not allow it to burn.


Step 7

Mix an 18-ounce bottle of barbecue sauce with 1 1/2 cups of water. Place the steak back in the skillet with the onions and garlic and pour the sauce mixture on top.

Step 8

Allow the mixture to heat up and then turn the temperature down so it's not boiling. Place the cover on the skillet and cook for 2 1/2 hours. Check after an hour and add more water if the sauce mix is getting too thick.


You can cook the beef butt steaks on the grill instead of the broiler if it's nice outside. The longer you cook the pork butt steak the better it will be.


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