Things You'll Need
Cardboard box
Utility knife

Poster board is a popular display material for everything from science projects to sales tables. Due to its large size, poster board can be difficult to display upright without folding it. You can easily build a poster board stand in any size in a few minutes, without any special tools, materials or skills.
Step 1
Cut the top and bottom of a cardboard box off. Remove two of the sides, leaving two sides linked together at the fold.
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Step 2

Draw the template onto the box. With the box folded, draw the bottom of the template along the fold, and make it as tall as the poster board. Draw a straight crossbar that's half the the width of the poster board. Draw a hooked crossbar that's half the width of the poster board, plus 2 inches.
Step 3
Use the utility knife to cut out the template. It should be connected at the fold.
Step 4
Unfold the cardboard so it is wedge shaped. Stand up the cardboard with the hook sides on the bottom. Bend the top two bars back. Place the poster board on the stand so that the hooks support the bottom, and the top cross bars support the top.
Attach the back of the poster board to the stand with Blu-Tack so it doesn't get knocked down.
Always use a sharp blade to cut out your template.
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