How to Get Rid of Mold on a Bee Balm Plant

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Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda

  • Dish washing detergent

  • Lawn sprayer

  • Spray bottle

  • Crushed garlic

Bee Balm Plant

Mold thrives in areas where air circulation and sunlight are low, and can be an unattractive taint on any plant. Bee balm plants are especially susceptible to a kind of mold called powdery mildew. Luckily, with proper treatment and care, you can safely and inexpensively get rid of mold on a bee balm plant.


Step 1

Prune the infected parts of the bee balm plant. This will increase air circulation, reducing the chance of mold. It also directly removes the mold and can be incorporated into regular pruning.

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Step 2

Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 tbsp. of baking soda, and several drops of dish washing detergent in a lawn sprayer. Mix the contents well to form a soapy mixture.

Step 3

Spray the mixture onto the bee balm plant, covering all the leaves, especially those infected with mold. This mixture alters the pH level on the leaves, making it impossible for mold to continue to grow.

Step 4

Continue spraying the bee balm plant daily, until the mold disappears completely. Check the plant weekly for returning mold. If it does return, repeat the previous steps.


Step 5

Fill a spray bottle with water, and then add two to three cloves of crushed garlic. Spray the garlic water directly onto the bee balm plant at the first sign of mold. Ensure that the top and bottom of the leaves are covered with the solution.


When pruning, the tool used can spread mold spores to other plants. Dip the blades of the tool in a mixture of one part bleach to four parts water after each trim. This will kill any mold spores, and help prevent them from spreading.

Watering the bee balm plant in the morning will allow the sun to quickly dry it, reducing the chance for mold to form.


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