How to Remove Soot From a Painted Mantel

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How to Remove Soot From a Painted Mantel
Image Credit: Sergei Pivovarov/iStock/GettyImages

When a smoky fireplace leaves soot stains on a painted mantel, there are two major issues to address: how to thoroughly remove the stain and how to do so without damaging the painted finish. Fortunately, there's a simple and inexpensive cleaning solution that achieves both of those goals.


Soot sponges, also known as chemical sponges or dry cleaning sponges, effectively remove soot with just a basic wiping motion, and they're safe for use on painted surfaces. You can buy soot sponges in hardware stores, in big-box stores and online. Preparing to clean up soot does add a few more essential steps, as you must be careful not to breathe in harmful soot particles and must also avoid spreading soot around the room.

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How to Remove Soot From a Painted Mantel

Things You'll Need

  • Safety glasses

  • Face mask

  • Rubber gloves

  • Drop cloth or newspaper

  • Vacuum with upholstery attachment

  • Soot sponge (dry cleaning sponge or chemical sponge)

  • Scissors

  • Regular cleaning sponge or cloth

  • White vinegar, dish soap or soot-cleaning solution

  • Dry towel or cloth

Step 1

Wear safety glasses, rubber gloves and a face mask in preparation for cleaning soot off your mantel. The cleaning process will dislodge the soot and send particles into the air, which are hazardous to breathe in. It is also a messy process, so wear old clothing and cover nearby surfaces with a drop cloth or newspaper.


Step 2

With a soft-bristled upholstery attachment fitted to a vacuum cleaner, vacuum the mantel to suck up any loose soot. Work from the top to the bottom and use long, overlapping strokes, being careful not to rub the soot into the mantel.

Step 3

Wipe the mantel with a soot sponge, which needs to be left completely dry. Start at the top and work your way to the bottom of the mantel using long, smooth, overlapping strokes. Do not use a circular or rubbing motion.


Step 4

As you work, rotate the soot sponge so that you are working with a clean part of it along every stroke. You should see the sponge become blackened as it picks up the soot.

Step 5

If necessary, trim the blackened areas of the soot sponge with scissors to give you a clean working surface. Alternatively, switch to a new sponge. You might also use scissors to trim the sponge into a better shape for wiping detailed areas of the mantel and any nooks and crannies.


Step 6

Wipe the mantel with a regular cleaning sponge or cloth soaked in your choice of cleaning solution and then squeezed out. This step will remove any remaining traces of soot as well as the odor. Use a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water, warm water with a generous squirt of dish soap or a commercial soot-cleaning solution. With the latter option, choose a product that's safe for use on painted surfaces and follow the manufacturer's directions.


Step 7

Rinse the sponge frequently in plain water as you work. Wipe down the mantel with plain water to rinse away the cleaning product.

Step 8

Immediately and thoroughly dry the mantel using a towel or soft cloth. Do not leave a painted mantel to air dry, as sitting water can damage the finish.


Step 9

Clean nearby surfaces if you see any traces of soot and be very careful while cleaning up the drop cloth or newspaper so that you don't spread soot particles around the room.

Step 10

Remove the upholstery attachment from your vacuum cleaner and wash it in soapy water, diluted vinegar or a soot-cleaning solution. Rinse the attachment and let it air dry.


If soot stains on your mantel are an ongoing issue, be sure to have your fireplace professionally cleaned and inspected. Smoke should go up the chimney, not around the mantel, so a sooty mantel might indicate a maintenance issue.

