How to Treat Mold in a House

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Mold can grow on several surfaces in the home. Some mold is harmless, however, some types are toxic and can endanger the health of the people living in the home. Mold will grow in high humidity or in damp areas. The best option for mold removal is to hire a mold-removal specialist. If this is not possible, there are mold-removal kits available or some home products help in killing mold. It is important to note that mold will have to be killed completely in order to stop regrowth.


Things You'll Need

  • Rubber Gloves

  • Bleach

  • Large Cloth

  • Soap

  • Face Mask

  • Mold-Removal Kit

  • Two 1-Gallon Containers

  • Two Washcloths

  • Water

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Step 1

Determine where the mold is growing. Check all air ducts, areas where there is or has been a leak, closets, dark spaces and basements. Repair any leaks that are found, as water and humidity are the main causes of mold.

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Step 2

Mold Removal Kit

Follow package directions for a mold-removal kit. It is important to follow the guidelines exactly so the mold will not return. If using bleach, keep in mind that bleach will kill the mold on contact but will not prevent the mold from coming back.

Step 3


Mix one part bleach to four parts water in a 1-gallon container. For example, use 25 oz. of bleach to 100 oz. of water. Once the bleach is mixed, be sure to have a face mask and rubber gloves on. In another container, mix liquid dish soap and warm water.


Step 4

Wipe the beach solution on all noticeable mold areas. Make sure the mold is completely scrubbed from the surface. Wipe the surface dry and then scrub the surface with soap and water.

Step 5

Repeat Step 4 on all mold. Wash bleachable clothing and bedding in the clothes washer with bleach. Clean furniture with a commercial mold cleaner.


Step 6

Remove mold by repeating Steps 4 and 5 each time the mold returns. It is also important to keep the home's humidity level above 55% to reduce mold growth. Note: mold removal with bleach only keeps the mold at bay. It will return and have to be retreated as soon as the mold is noticed.


Consult a mold-removal specialist for in-depth or widespread mold infestations. Use all safety precautions for mold removal.


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