How to Make a Cheerleading Megaphone

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Things You'll Need

  • Posterboard

  • Scissors

  • Pencil

  • Glue

  • Markers

Make a simple megaphone using posterboard.

Cheerleader megaphones can help you spread a message to a crowd and make sure your voice is heard. Use them at parties, rallies and, yes, the big high school football game. The devices can be made of simple materials in minutes, and children can decorate them using their own tastes.


Step 1

Measure out the largest circle that will fit on your poster board and draw it with a pencil. If you would like a smaller cheerleader megaphone, just draw a smaller circle.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Cut the circle out of the poster board. Young children should ask an adult for help with the scissors. Be careful to follow the line precisely for the best quality megaphone.

Step 3

Cut a line going straight to the center of the circle. Fold the circle around itself until it makes a cone shape. Glue the poster board together. You should now see the shape of your cheerleader megaphone. Allow the glue to dry.

Step 4

Cut off the tip of the cone. Finish the cheerleader megaphone by decorating it with paint or markers. Go crazy and use your imagination to design it.


Video of the Day