How to Make Goose Clothes

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Things You'll Need

  • Fabric

  • Lace trim

  • Narrow elastic

  • Thread

  • Sewing machine

  • Measuring tape

  • Stuffing (optional)

The simplest clothing to make for ornamental cement geese is generally that of a "skirt" that slides over the goose's head. The basic design is a tiered skirt. Optionally, one can add arms (or wings) to the skirt. With arms, a bit of creative whimsy comes in. Many outfits have the arms sewn so the "hands" are clasped. The hands can hold many things: a doll's basket of flowers, a small platter with BBQ or most anything found in the miniatures section of a hobby store. Aprons and hats add an extra bit of whimsy.


Making the Skirt

Step 1

Measure the circumference of the goose at the widest point. Also measure the length from the base of the goose's neck to where you want the skirt to reach and add 2 inches (for seam allowances).


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Step 2

Cut the first rectangle as long as the goose's circumference plus one-quarter more. Make the rectangle's width two-thirds of the skirt's length. Cut a second rectangle twice as long as the goose's circumference; its width should be one-third of the desired skirt length.

Step 3

Gather the second, narrower rectangle and sew it along the edge of the first rectangle. This is the ruffle tier. Sew the sides together to make a tube.


Step 4

Turn under the top of the wider rectangle and sew a casing, leaving a gap. Insert the narrow elastic, cut to fit comfortably around the goose's neck. Sew the elastic ends together.

Step 5

If you like, add lace around the neck (top) before inserting elastic. Lace also can be added to the bottom or along the bottom tier.


Step 6

Hem the bottom (the narrower tiered row) of the skirt.

Making Arms

Step 1

Cut white fabric into four equal pieces. Each piece should be roughly rectangular, with one end rounded for the wingtips. Determine the width and length by what would look right on your goose. Some prefer narrow arms while others use wider, more wing-like arms.


Step 2

Sew the two long sides and the rounded end together. (The fabric should be facing "wrong" side out when sewing.)

Step 3

Turn the arms inside out and stuff with cotton or other stuffing material. Neatly turn the raw edges inside and sew the ends shut.


Step 4

Sew lace around the top of each arm for a simple sleeve. Attach the sleeved arm to the skirt near the neckline.

Step 5

If you like, sew the hands together and add a bit of whimsy. A basket is an easy option because you can loop it over one arm before sewing the hands together.


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