Things You'll Need

Nike Air Force Ones are one of the most enduring models of Nike sneaker. Since 1982, Air Force Ones have been popular in sports, urban fashion and particularly in the hip-hop community. Drawing Nike Air Force Ones is easy to do, particularly if you use a picture or a model as a guide. Start off by outlining the shape of the shoe and fill in the details step by step.
Step 1

Draw a rectangle and a trapezoid: these are the two basic shapes that make up the Nike Air Force Ones. The rectangle is 4.7 by 12.2 inches, and the trapezoid is 8.6 by 9.8 by 3.5 by 7 inches.
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Step 2

Draw the outline of the top of the Nike Air Force Ones. The tongue of the shoe sticks out over the front of the shoe (the right part of the shoe in the drawing), and there is a label on the front of the tongue. There is also a buckle that goes around the ankle part of the shoe: draw two parallel lines across the ankle part of the Nike Air Force Ones.
Step 3

Draw the back of the shoe and the top of the shoe. The top of the shoe is a separate piece of material where the shoe lace is looped through. For this drawing, only draw one side of this piece: draw four squiggle shapes in the edge of the piece, curving up to meet the top of the shoe. On the back of the shoe, draw a triangle with rounded corners.
Step 4

Draw the Nike symbol (swoosh) and the piece of the material on the toe of the shoe. The swoosh is 3.9" long and slants diagonally down the shoe. The front piece of the shoe is shaped like a triangle with very round corners. The widest part of the triangle overlaps with some of the shoelace part of the shoe.
Step 5

Draw the shoelaces and the sole of the shoe. There are seven shoelace loops along the top of the shoe, all about .4 inches in width. The length of the shoelace pieces alternate between short and long. The sole of the shoe is 1.6 inches high, with an extra .4-ich piece along the bottom of the sole.
Step 6

Color in the sole of the shoe, and write "AIR" along the left-most side of the sole. Draw the outline of a man shooting a basket, with the basketball coming out over the top of the ankle strap, with iddle of the body between the ankle strap and the swoosh, and the feet below the swoosh.
Step 7

Draw the air ventilation holes on the toe of the shoe, two below the curve in the swoosh, and color in the man on the side of the Nike Air Force Ones. Erase the guideines and reinforce the primary lines in the drawing.
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