Things You'll Need
Cholesterol conditioner
Alginate powder
Plaster bandages or gauze
Plaster of Paris

Cast moldings of the face are essential to several art forms as a point of reference but can also be created for sheer enjoyment. Taking on this project at home can be made simple with a helping hand and some patience. Although there are a few different methods, a technique using alginate is completely nontoxic and safe for the skin. You'll need to have a model for this project (if you're doing the casting) or a partner if your face is being cast).
Step 1
Apply cholesterol hair conditioner to your hair, eyebrows and facial hair to help with removing the mold later on. Your face and hair can easily be rinsed with soap and water when you're through.
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Step 2
Measure and mix the alginate solution. The mix ratio is 1 part alginate to 1 part water. Mix to a creamy consistency, eliminating all lumps. Alja-safe is highly recommended as it doesn't contain crystalline-silica, a known cancer-causing agent.
Step 3
Close your eyes and ask your partner to pour the alginate on your face, avoiding your nostrils to allow breathing. Spread the alginate with your hands (or ask your partner to), contouring all details of your face that you wish to include in the mold. Allow it to cure for five minutes before moving on.
Step 4
Ask your partner to cut the bandages or gauze to size and layer it over the alginate surface to create the support shell. Make sure the material isn't over your nose so you can breathe. Let the bandages dry 15 minutes before demolding.
Step 5
Have your partner carefully remove the support shell and molding from your face. Cured alginate breaks down quickly, so apply the plaster within one hour of removal.
Step 6
Mix a small batch of alginate to patch the nostril holes to prevent leaking when you apply the plaster. Let it cure for five minutes.
Step 7
Follow the instructions on the plaster of Paris package to prepare the solution. Then slowly pour the mixture into the alginate molding and allow it to cure for one hour. Once the plaster is dry, carefully take it out of the mold. It's now ready to be decorated or displayed.
Make sure you and your partner (or model) know just how long the process will take. Although simple, it is a time-consuming project and you want to have her full cooperation.
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