How to Get Rid of Seed Ticks

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Things You'll Need

  • Flea shampoo

  • Baking soda

  • Insecticide

Ticks are most commonly found living on dogs and are easiest to eradicate during early stages of growth. Ticks go through four stages of life, which are egg, larva, nymph and adult. Ticks are known as seed ticks when they are in the larva stage. They are smaller than a grown tick and have six legs (see References). During the larva stage the ticks must feed off of a host until they become nymphs. Once they grow eight legs and transform in nymphs they will leave the host. It's important to get rid of the ticks completely at the first sign on a dog as if they continue to grow they can spread serious disease.


Step 1

Take a shower and wash your skin thoroughly with warm water and soap as soon as possible after finding a small, white seed tick on your skin. Check any pets for signs of seeds ticks soon after you shower.

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Step 2

Give your dog a flea bath immediately at the first sign of seed ticks. You can purchase over-the-counter tick shampoo at your local pet store. Make sure that the shampoo will kill all of the eggs and larva on your dog.

Step 3

Clean your home thoroughly, especially all of the areas where you dog commonly lays or sleeps. Sprinkle baking soda on the areas where you think ticks could have infested and then vacuum all carpet thoroughly.

Step 4

Apply residual insecticide around areas of infestation. For example, you can use Bifen IT or Conquer to eliminate any eggs that may be hard to see (see References). Make sure to follow the instructions on the insecticide bottle before applying.


Step 5

Continue cleaning areas of carpet and pet bedding daily until there are no signs of seed ticks. Use a spray that contains pyrethrins, like Clear Zone to kill any remaining seed ticks upon contact.


Pyrethrins are toxic and not safe for pets or children to ingest. Signs of toxicosis from ingest will only last up to 24 hours (See References). Make sure to keep animals and children away from the sprayed areas until they are dry.


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